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Search Surnames at St. Peter ad Vincular - Broad Hinton

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0439 ALCOCK Thomas Memorial
0011 ALFORD Ernest F. Gravestone
0411 ANDERSON Elizabeth Notice
0411 ANDERSON Joseph Notice
0411 ANDERSON Norah Notice
0381 ANDREWS Martha Memorial
0381 ANDREWS William Memorial
0104 AUSTIN Dinah Gravestone
0264 AUSTIN Dinah Memorial
0264 AUSTIN Matthew Memorial
0104 AUSTIN Matthew Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0411 BAILEY Cecily Notice
D0499 BAILEY Cecily Ethel Gravestone
0411 BAILEY John Notice
0235 BAILY Ann Memorial Window
0235 BAILY Benjamin Bodman Memorial Window
D0554 BAKER Jean May Gravestone
0411 BALDWIN David Notice
0411 BALDWIN Toby Notice
D0531 BANTING Catharine Rose Gravestone
D0531 BANTING Charlie Gravestone
Text BARRETT Maurice Transcription of War Memorial
0269 BARRETT Maurice Photograph of War Memorial
0564 BASSET Alan Text in book
0176 BAYLY George Memorial
0176 BAYLY Winifred (nee Glanvill) Memorial
D0512 BEEDEN Gertrude May Gravestone
0566 BENDY Text in book
0481 BENET Elizabeth Notice
0481 BENET Thomas Notice
0564 BENETT Pye Text in book
0564 BENETT Thomas Text in book
D0560 BERNARD Charles Gravestone
0401 BERNARD Charles Notice
D0552 BERNARD Charles Robert Gravestone
D0552 BERNARD Lara Gravestone
0564 BERNARD Robert Text in book
D0560 BERNARD Sarah Gravestone
0411 BERRILL Vera Notice
0411 BERRY Grahame Notice
0334 BERWICK John Monument
D0539 BLAKE Dorothy Mary Gravestone
D0539 BLAKE George Francis Gravestone
D0485 BOURTON Caroline Gravestone
D0485 BOURTON David Gravestone
0411 BOWMAN Agnes Notice
0411 BOWMAN James Notice
0574 BRADFIELD Ann Gravestone
0573 BRADFIELD John Gravestone
0574 BRADFIELD John Gravestone
0028 BRATCHER Emily Penny Gravestone
0028 BRATCHER Frederick Charles Gravestone
0028 BRATCHER Sonnie Gravestone
0028 BRATCHER William Gravestone
0563 BRETEVILLE Gilbert de Text in book
0564 BRETEVILLE Text in book
D0521 BREWER Edith Mary Gravestone
D0550 BREWER Emily Gravestone
0328 BREWER Frank Memorial Bench
D0521 BREWER Frank Gravestone
D0541 BREWER James Gravestone
0328 BREWER Mary Memorial Bench
D0549 BREWER Mary Ann Gravestone
0076 BROOKE Iris Gravestone
0411 BROUGH Rosa Notice
0265 BROWN Algernon Memorial
0181 BROWN Algernon Memorial
0095 BROWN Elizabeth Gravestone
0096 BROWN Elizabeth Gravestone
0265 BROWN Elizabeth Memorial
0181 BROWN Elizabeth Memorial
0266 BROWN Elizabeth (Mrs Hughes) Memorial
0101 BROWN Elizabeth Russell Gravestone
D0533 BROWN Elizabeth Russell Gravestone
0101 BROWN Enid Muriel Russell (Mrs Knight) Gravestone
D0533 BROWN Enid Muriel Russell (Mrs Knight) Gravestone
0479 BROWN J. W. Notice
D0474 BROWN John Memorial
0268 BROWN Mary Memorial
D0473 BROWN Mary Memorial
0181 BROWN Mary Memorial
D0474 BROWN Mary Memorial
0479 BROWN Mary Notice
0266 BROWN Mary Memorial
0101 BROWN Robert Gravestone
D0533 BROWN Robert Gravestone
0095 BROWN Robert Russell Gravestone
0097 BROWN Robert Russell Gravestone
0096 BROWN Robert Russell Gravestone
0181 BROWN Sarah Memorial
D0472 BROWN Thomas Memorial
D0474 BROWN Thomas Memorial
0266 BROWN Thomas Memorial
0479 BROWN W. Notice
0480 BROWN W. R. Notice
D0474 BROWN William Memorial
0223 BROWN William Memorial Window
0268 BROWN William Algernon Memorial
0268 BROWN William Ruddle Memorial
0266 BROWNE W. R. Memorial
0563 BURKE Bernard Text in book
Text BUTLER Fred Transcription of War Memorial
0269 BUTLER Fred Photograph of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0564 CALLEY John Hames Text in book
0564 CALLEY Thomas Text in book
0479 CARRINGTON F. A. Notice
0411 CARTWRIGHT Dennis Notice
0411 CARTWRIGHT Eileen Notice
0447 CARTWRIGHT Sally Text
0411 CARTWRIGHT Sandy Notice
D0529 CHESTERMAN Hannah Elizabeth (nee Hasler) Gravestone
0045 CLARKE Colin Gravestone
0056 CLAY Joseph Eric Gravestone
0084 COLEMAN William Gravestone
0564 COLUMBARS Text in book
0564 COMPTON William Text in book
0007 COOK Joseph Henry Gravestone
0007 COOK Mary Jane Gravestone
0077 CROCKETT Raymond Gravestone
0411 CROSS Michael Notice
0411 CROTTY Mary Notice
0052 CROWE Peter Edward Gravestone
0564 CRYMES Elizabeth (Mrs Glanville) Text in book
0564 CRYMES William Text in book
D0515 CULLUM Evelyn Margaret Gravestone
0411 CUMPLING John Notice
D0556 CUNINGHAME Anthony Glencairn Gravestone
0021 CUNINGHAME Doris Helen Gravestone
0021 CUNINGHAME William Glencairn Gravestone
D0548 CUTTS Fanny Louise Gravestone
D0532 CUTTS Squires E. Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
D0524 DAVIES Hilary Stuart Gravestone
D0501 DAVIS William John Gravestone
0411 DAVY Tony Notice
0022 DENNIS Edwin Richard Gravestone
0022 DENNIS Kate Gravestone
0564 DESPENSER Text in book
0564 DOYNELL Text in book
0255 DUDLEY Henry Memorial
0563 DUNSTANVILLE Text in book
0088 DURNFORD William Memorial
0480 DURNFORD William Notice

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0411 EAGLE Bert Notice
0411 EAGLE Violet Notice
D0544 EATWELL Annabella Gravestone
D0491 EATWELL Henry Gravestone
Text EATWELL John Transcription of War Memorial
0269 EATWELL John Photograph of War Memorial
D0487 EATWELL Robert Gravestone
0214 EATWELL Robert Memorial Window
D0487 EATWELL Sarah Gravestone
D0544 EATWELL Thomas Gravestone
0214 EATWELL William Memorial Window
D0498 ELLIS Iris Gravestone
0111 ELLIS Irish Benefactor
0046 ELVERY Audrey Anne Gravestone
0048 EMBLING Terry Shaun Gravestone
0411 EMBLING Terry Shaun Notice
0066 EVANS Brinley Lewis Gravestone
0066 EVANS Mary Antonia (nee Vines) Gravestone
0563 EVELYN John Text in book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0411 FAVRE Giles Notice
D0543 FITZPATRICK Colin Stewart Gravestone
0044 FLEMING Donald Gravestone
D0476 FLEWELLING Harold Notice
D0476 FLEWELLING Herbert Notice
D0509 FOX Kate Gravestone
D0509 FOX Victor Edgar Gravestone
D0536 FRANKLIN Edith Gravestone
D0536 FRANKLIN James Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0411 GAISFORD Pamela Notice
0480 GALE R. Notice
0075 GARDINER Terry Gravestone
0060 GARRETT Ann Judith Gravestone
0564 GAWEN Elizabeth (Mrs Hinton) Text in book
0216 GIBBS A. Memorial Window
0176 GIBBS Frances (Mrs Glanvill, Mrs Stone) Memorial
0176 GIBBS Henrey Memorial
0102 GILLINGHAM Amy Claire Russell Gravestone
0102 GILLINGHAM Arthur Harry Gravestone
0102 GILLINGHAM John Russell Gravestone
0176 GLANVILL Frances (nee Gibbs, Mrs Stone) Memorial
0567 GLANVILL John Text in book
0176 GLANVILL William Memorial
0176 GLANVILL Winifred (Mrs Bayly) Memorial
0170 GLANVILL Winifreda Memorial
0564 GLANVILLE Elizabeth (nee Crymes) Text in book
0564 GLANVILLE Francis Text in book
0566 GLANVILLE Francis Text in book
0164 GLANVILLE Gulielmus Memorial
0566 GLANVILLE Johis Text in book
0563 GLANVILLE John Text in book
0564 GLANVILLE John Text in book
0566 GLANVILLE John Text in book
0170 GLANVILLI Joannis Memorial
0061 GODDEN Alan Edward Gravestone
0019 GODWIN William G. Gravestone
0447 GOOD Helen Text
0081 GOODMAN John Gravestone
0081 GOODMAN Martha Gravestone
0038 GOODMAN Mary Gravestone
0038 GOODMAN Thomas Gravestone
0020 GOUGH Dorothy May Gravestone
D0476 GOUGH Harry Notice
0020 GOUGH Herbert Charles Gravestone
D0502 GRAY Arthur John Gravestone
D0507 GRAY Constance Gravestone
D0513 GRAY Dorothy Gravestone
D0513 GRAY Frank Gravestone
D0507 GRAY Frederick L. Gravestone
D0502 GRAY Mary Gravestone
0255 GREEN Elizabeth Memorial
0255 GREEN Robert Memorial
0054 GREENAWAY Doris M. Gravestone
0054 GREENAWAY Vincent Gravestone
Text GREY William Transcription of War Memorial
0269 GREY William Photograph of War Memorial
0062 GROTTY Mary Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
D0476 HACKER Fred Notice
D0495 HACKER Henry Gravestone
D0547 HACKER Jacob Gravestone
D0547 HACKER Mary Ann Gravestone
0064 HAINES Enid Gravestone
0043 HAINES Henry John Gravestone
0049 HAMPTON Marina Gravestone
0411 HAMPTON Marina Notice
0027 HARRIS Frances Gravestone
0027 HARRIS Jason Gravestone
D0529 HASLER Hannah Elizabeth (Mrs Chesterman) Gravestone
0411 HAYES Phillip Simpson Notice
0079 HEATH Harold E. Gravestone
0079 HEATH Olive M. Gravestone
D0510 HENWOOD-WHITE Dean Gravestone
D0510 HENWOOD-WHITE Kathleen Gravestone
0065 HERKSTROETER Hertha Gravestone
0047 HERKSTROETER Violet Gravestone
0047 HERKSTROETER Walter Gravestone
0074 HEWITT Brian Gravestone
0069 HICKS Sheila M. (Peggy) Gravestone
D0518 HILLIER Daisy Jessie Gravestone
D0518 HILLIER Walter Graham Gravestone
0564 HINTON Elizabeth (nee Gawen) Text in book
0564 HINTON Thomas Text in book
Text HISCOCK Stanley Transcription of War Memorial
0269 HISCOCK Stanley Photograph of War Memorial
D0490 HISCOCKS John Gravestone
0401 HISCOCKS John Notice
D0490 HISCOCKS Mary Gravestone
0564 HOARE R. C. Text in book
0411 HOCKINGS Pamela Notice
0411 HOMAN Mabel Notice
0411 HOMAN Walter Notice
0063 HORTON Dennis Gravestone
D0470 HORTON Frances Sainsbury Memorial
0260 HORTON Henry Francis Memorial
0256 HORTON Robert Dennis Memorial
0257 HORTON Robert Willis Memorial
0063 HORTON Ruth Gravestone
Text HOWES Harry Transcription of War Memorial
0269 HOWES Harry Photograph of War Memorial
0271 HUGHES Ann Memorial
0267 HUGHES Ann Memorial
0266 HUGHES Elizabeth (nee Brown) Memorial
0267 HUGHES John Memorial
0271 HUGHES John Memorial
0266 HUGHES John Memorial
D0557 HUISH Henry Gravestone
0411 HUMPHREYS Enid Notice
D0545 HUNT Henry Everard Gravestone
D0545 HUNT Sarah Ann Gravestone
0082 HUNTER John Gravestone
D0559 HUSSEY Charlotte Louise Gravestone
D0562 HUSSEY Emily Gravestone
D0476 HUSSEY F. D. Notice
D0559 HUSSEY John Gravestone
D0559 HUSSEY John Walbridge Gravestone
0447 HUSSEY Joy Text
0411 HUTCHINGS Charles Notice
0411 HUTCHINGS Mary Notice
0051 HYNES Peter Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0563 INSULA Humphrey de Text in book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text JAMES Charles Transcription of War Memorial
0269 JAMES Charles Photograph of War Memorial
0411 JEFFERIES Lawrence Notice
0411 JEFFERIES Olive Notice
D0497 JONES Kathleen Margaret Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0567 KITE Edward Text in book
0099 KNIGHT Charles Crosby Gravestone
0100 KNIGHT Charles Crosby Gravestone
D0533 KNIGHT Charles Crosby Gravestone
0099 KNIGHT Enid Muriel Russell (nee Brown) Gravestone
0101 KNIGHT Enid Muriel Russell (nee Brown) Gravestone
D0533 KNIGHT Enid Muriel Russell (nee Brown) Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text LANFEAR Fred Transcription of War Memorial
0269 LANFEAR Fred Photograph of War Memorial
Text LANFEAR Fred Lewin Ron Transcription of War Memorial
0269 LANFEAR Fred Lewin Ron Photograph of War Memorial
D0542 LEWIS Alice Gravestone
D0527 LEWIS Elizabeth Jane Gravestone
D0527 LEWIS Percy William Gravestone
D0542 LEWIS William Gravestone
D0542 LEWIS Willie Gravestone
D0506 LEWIS Winifred Gravestone
0565 LEWKNOR Edward Text in book
0565 LEWKNOR Elinor (Mrs Wroughton) Text in book
0567 LEWKNOR Text in book
0401 LLOYD John A. Notice
0385 LLOYD John Augustus Inscription
0564 LOVELL Text in book
D0493 LOVELOCK George Gravestone
D0494 LOVELOCK George Henry Stephen Gravestone
D0493 LOVELOCK Mary Jane Gravestone
D0494 LOVELOCK Ruth Naomi Gravestone
D0494 LOVELOCK Victor Rowland Gravestone
D0526 LOWE Alice Emily Gravestone
D0526 LOWE Henry Tom Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
D0505 MARCHANT Gordon Kenneth Gravestone
D0505 MARCHANT Gwynneth Mary Gravestone
0564 MASKELYNE Anthony M. S. Text in book
D0523 MAULE Cyril Edward Gravestone
0068 McMULLEN Willie Gravestone
D0530 MELVILLE Annie Gravestone
D0530 MELVILLE David Gravestone
0566 MERBROKE Text in book
D0516 MERRITT James Gravestone
D0516 MERRITT Kathleen Muriel Gravestone
0447 MIDDLETON Diane Text
D0488 MILES Ann Gravestone
0058 MINNIE White Gravestone
0564 MORTIMER Roger Text in book
D0520 MROWCZYNSKI Kazimierz (George) Gravestone
D0520 MROWCZYNSKI Pamela Elizabeth Gravestone
0042 MUNDY Anne Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0053 NEATE Edward (George) Gravestone
0053 NEATE Ruby Marion Gravestone
D0555 NEW Paul Gravestone
0018 NEWBURY Stanley Gravestone
D0522 NEWMAN Nellie Violet Gravestone
0411 NOBLE Margaret Notice
0411 NOBLE Tom Notice
0565 NORREYS Anne (Mrs Wroughton) Text in book
0565 NORREYS John Text in book
0565 NORREYS William Text in book
0566 NORRYES John Text in book
0567 NORYS Text in book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0411 O’NEILL Ivy Notice
0411 O’NEILL James Notice
0411 ODDIE Charles Notice
0411 ODDIE Cynthia Notice
0080 OFFER Ann Gravestone
0091 OFFER Ann Gravestone
0080 OFFER Grace Gravestone
0080 OFFER Mary Gravestone
0080 OFFER Robert Gravestone
0091 OFFER Thomas Gravestone
D0489 ORCHARD William Edward Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0261 PARIS Thomas Memorial
0261 PARIS William Memorial
0564 PARKINSON John Text in book
D0535 PARSONS Ann Gravestone
D0535 PARSONS John Gravestone
D0535 PARSONS Robert Gravestone
D0535 PARSONS Sarah Gravestone
D0535 PARSONS Thomas Gravestone
0564 PARYS Richard Text in book
D0551 PAYNE Daisy Gravestone
0040 PEACH Brian Gravestone
0071 PEACH Malcolm Edgar Gravestone
0041 PEACH Maria Lisa Gravestone
0070 PEACH Maria Lisa Gravestone
0071 PEACH Shirley Elsie Gravestone
Text PENNY Ernest Transcription of War Memorial
0269 PENNY Ernest Photograph of War Memorial
Text PENNY William Transcription of War Memorial
0269 PENNY William Photograph of War Memorial
D0553 PERRY Nellie Spanswick Gravestone
0447 PILLINGER June Text
0411 PINE Eric Notice
0411 PLAYFORD Dorothy Jean Notice
0078 POOLE Thelma Gravestone
0411 POULTON Jill Notice
D0511 PRIOR Lydia Mary Gravestone
0411 PRIOR Lydia Mary Notice
0411 PRIOR Thomas Edward Notice

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0565 RAVENSCROFT Text in book
0411 REEKIE Doris Notice
0050 REEKIE Doris Catherine Gravestone
0050 REEKIE Norman Thomas Gravestone
0411 REID Gordon Notice
D0525 ROBINS Frederick Charles Gravestone
0447 ROBINSON Sue Text
D0558 RODBOURN Thomas Gravestone
0026 ROGERS Edith Gravestone
D0514 ROGERS Florence Winifred Ellen Gravestone
0026 ROGERS George Gravestone
D0514 ROGERS Walter George Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0564 SADLER George Text in book
0411 SEARS John Paul Notice
0411 SHARPE Ellen Notice
D0508 SHAYLER Edward Arthur Gravestone
0480 SHESTON John Notice
0479 SHESTON John Notice
D0517 SILK Francis R. J. Gravestone
0025 SILK Frederick Raymond Charles Gravestone
0023 SILK Pamela Gravestone
0023 SILK Royston F. Gravestone
0411 SKULL Alice Notice
0073 SKULL Alice Lucy Gravestone
0411 SKULL Sidney Notice
0073 SKULL Sidney Albert Gravestone
D0519 SMART Ernest John Gravestone
0480 SMITH Henry Notice
0263 SMITH John Memorial
D0546 SMITH John Attenborough Gravestone
D0546 SMITH Leslie Gravestone
D0546 SMITH Lottie Gravestone
0029 SMITH Robert Gravestone
0480 SMITH Robert Notice
0029 SMITH Susannah Brown Gravestone
D0537 SMITH William Frederick Gravestone
D0561 SNELL Charlotte Gravestone
D0561 SNELL William Seymour Gravestone
0008 SPARROW George Vincent Gravestone
0008 SPARROW Lilian Gravestone
D0540 SPILSBURY Frederick George Gravestone
0012 STACEY Greta Alice Gravestone
0012 STACEY John Henry Gravestone
0176 STONE Frances (nee Gibbs, Mrs Glanvill) Memorial
0176 STONE John Memorial
D0492 STRANGE Edward James Gravestone
D0492 STRANGE Ernest James Gravestone
D0492 STRANGE James Gravestone
D0492 STRANGE Sarah Ellen Gravestone
0072 STURGESS Bessie Ena Gravestone
0072 STURGESS Charles Walter Gravestone
0004 STURGESS Peter Charles Gravestone
0447 SUTTERBY Jeannette Text
0564 SUTTON Thomas Text in book
0447 SWADDEN Veronica Text
0411 SYKES Dennis Notice
0447 SYKES Millie Text

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0057 TANNER Fred Gravestone
D0500 TARRY Pearl Gravestone
D0500 TARRY Stan Gravestone
0447 TAYLOR Jennifer Text
0479 THOMSON John Notice
0563 TIBETOT Text in book
D0476 TUCK Maurice Notice
0031 TUCKWELL Richard Gravestone
0411 TULISSIO Anne Pitt-stewart Notice
D0538 TWISS Frank Gravestone
D0538 TWISS Prudence Dorothy Gravestone
0563 TYBETOT John de Text in book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0066 VINES Mary Antonia (Mrs Evans) Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0447 WARD Jean Text
0059 WARRINGTON Ivy May Gravestone
0059 WARRINGTON William Edwin Gravestone
0563 WASE Fidena Text in book
0411 WATTS Allen Notice
0010 WATTS Allen Ernest Gravestone
D0528 WATTS Allen Ernest Gravestone
0411 WATTS Lucy Notice
0010 WATTS Lucy Annie Maud Gravestone
D0528 WATTS Lucy Annie Maud Gravestone
0005 WHITE Alfred King Gravestone
D0486 WHITE Ellen Gravestone
0015 WHITE Frances John Gravestone
0016 WHITE Frances John Gravestone
D0476 WHITE H. V. Notice
D0486 WHITE John Gravestone
0005 WHITE Mabel Annie Gravestone
0015 WHITE Molly Elaine Gravestone
0017 WHITE Molly Elaine Gravestone
0055 WHITEHOUSE Douglas Haig Gravestone
0055 WHITEHOUSE Margaret Joan (Peggy) Gravestone
0411 WHITLOCK Sybil Rosemary Notice
0067 WIGGINS Mavis Ellen Gravestone
0067 WIGGINS Sydney Arthur Gravestone
0411 WIGHTMAN Bob Notice
0411 WIGHTMAN Mary Notice
0009 WILCOX Harold Thomas Gravestone
0009 WILCOX Helen Kate Gravestone
D0496 WILSON Florence Mary Gravestone
D0476 WILSON Louisa A. Notice
0411 WINTER Edith Notice
D0504 WINTER Edith May Gravestone
D0504 WINTER F. J. H. Gravestone
0411 WINTER Jack Notice
D0534 WOODRUFF Jane Gravestone
D0534 WOODRUFF Thomas Gravestone
0564 WOOTTON Nicholas Text in book
0563 WORSTON William Text in book
0442 WROSTON Johes Memorial
0565 WROSTON Johes Text in book
0563 WROSTON William Text in book
0331 WROUGHTON Anne Monument
0565 WROUGHTON Anne (nee Norreys) Text in book
0565 WROUGHTON Elinor (nee Lewknor) Text in book
0563 WROUGHTON Giles Text in book
0331 WROUGHTON Thomas Monument
0565 WROUGHTON Thomas Text in book
0563 WROUGHTON William Text in book
0565 WROUGHTON William Text in book
0567 WROUGHTON Text in book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
0564 YORK William Text in book

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This page was last updated on 23rd June 2020
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