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Duncan & Mandy


Welcome to our website.  This website contains over sixty two thousand photographs of places we have visited.  Most of these places are in north Wiltshire and are mostly of parish churches - see  Location Index.

Many of the buildings we have photographed are hundreds of years old and whilst some are in good condition, others have been eroded by weather and time.  Our aim is to photograph everything, to preserve their images for future generations to see and experience.

Photo of Royal Wootton Bassett Town hall/Museum
Grave monument in Wroughton Parish Churchyard
An important part of what we do is to photograph gravestones and memorials; they are important to preserve, albeit as a photograph, because they may now be the only physical link to a family member.  Inscriptions erode in a relatively short time and unless recorded, are gone forever.  We hope we are helping, in some small way at least, to preserve them for their family members to come.

In order to help you find any photographs that may have relevance to your family we have recorded every name that appears on each photograph and we have produced a searchable  Name Search  index.

Take a look around and see what's on the site - you will find links at the top and bottom of each page.  Here is a short explanation to what they each are.

Guide to links/buttons found on each page of this website

About Us - a bit of info about us.
Contact Us - how to contact us.
Copyright Conditions - copyright conditions to using our photographs.
Donate - how to donate towards keeping this site running.
FAQs  - frequently asked questions about this website.
Links  - related websites you might find useful.
Location Index  - list of churches and places we have photographed.
Name Search  - search through the 72,438 names (9,233 surnames) recorded from our photographs and text.
Sponsors  - people who have financially contributed to this website.
War Memorials  - list of War Memorials at this website.
Wiltshire Collections  - book about Wiltshire by John Aubrey and John Jackson.

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This page was last updated on 16/07/2023 15:06:19
© Copyright D & M Ball 1999-2023
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