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Below is a list of people who have kindly made a donation to the running costs of this website.  All donations are gratefully received and very much appreciated.  Many Thanks!

Latest donations are added to the top of the list.

Name of Donator Message

Peter Baish Peter will be pleased to be contacted about the Baish family - peterbaish8@gmail.com
Peter has specifically asked we include the following message despite our embarrassment about it - thanks Pete, it's nice to receive praise:  "A fantastic resource, covering a wide range of subjects over an extensive area which is a boon for those of us who are not local to them!  Thank you!!"

Swindon Bottles See their website at:  Swindon Bottles Website

Barbara Hunt

The Swindon Society Swindon Society Website

Mark Sutton

Mandy & Duncan To remember Neil, Doris and Harold Ball

Mandy & Duncan To remember Pamela and Terri-Lea

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This page was last updated on 05/12/2024 15:19:37
© Copyright D & M Ball 1999-2024
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