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Search Surnames at St. Mary Magdalene - Hullavington

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text ADLAM William Vicars List
224 ADLAM William Vicars List
224 ALLESTREE Ricardus Vicars List
Text ANDREWE Ricardus Vicars List
224 ANDREWE Ricardus Vicars List
Text ANGELL Albert Edward Transcription of War Memorial
Text ANGELL Albert Edward Transcription of War Memorial
070 ANGELL Albert Edward Photograph of War Memorial
223 ANGELL Albert Edward Photograph of War Memorial
Text AYRES Walter Transcription of War Memorial
069 AYRES Walter Photograph of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text BAKER Henry Edward Vicars List
224 BAKER Henry Edward Vicars List
Text BANKE Laurenc Vicars List
224 BANKE Laurenc Vicars List
Text BARTLETT Carl Transcription of War Memorial
069 BARTLETT Carl Photograph of War Memorial
Text BARTLETT Charlie Transcription of War Memorial
069 BARTLETT Charlie Photograph of War Memorial
Text BARTLETT Christopher Transcription of War Memorial
069 BARTLETT Christopher Photograph of War Memorial
Text BARTLETT Reggie Transcription of War Memorial
069 BARTLETT Reggie Photograph of War Memorial
Text BARTLETT Victor Transcription of War Memorial
069 BARTLETT Victor Photograph of War Memorial
Text BAYLY Johannes Vicars List
224 BAYLY Johannes Vicars List
Text BETEYN Thomas Vicars List
224 BETEYN Thomas Vicars List
224 BLAND Henry Vicars List
Text BLYKE Wmus: Vicars List
224 BLYKE Wmus: Vicars List
Text BOOKER Walter Norman Vicars List
224 BOOKER Walter Norman Vicars List
D201 BOWER W. Guthrie Presentation
Text BRAIN Donald Harry Vicars List
224 BRAIN Donald Harry Vicars List
215 BRAMSTON John Text in Book
Text BRISTOW Stanley Transcription of War Memorial
069 BRISTOW Stanley Photograph of War Memorial
Text BROOM Charlie Transcription of War Memorial
069 BROOM Charlie Photograph of War Memorial
096 BROWN Elizabeth Ruddle (Mrs Chandler) Memorial
096 BROWN John Memorial
096 BROWN Mary Memorial
012 BROWN Sarah Gravestone
012 BROWN William Gravestone
090 BROWNE Elizabeth Ruddle (Mrs Chandler) Memorial
090 BROWNE John Memorial
090 BROWNE Mary Memorial
Text BUTLER Charlie Transcription of War Memorial
069 BUTLER Charlie Photograph of War Memorial
Text BUTLER Victor Transcription of War Memorial
Text BUTLER Victor Transcription of War Memorial
069 BUTLER Victor Photograph of War Memorial
223 BUTLER Victor Photograph of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text CARLIOLO Johannes de Vicars List
224 CARLIOLO Johannes de Vicars List
106 CARTER Caroline Frances Memorial
106 CARTER Mary Anne Memorial
106 CARTER Richard Francis Memorial
106 CARTER Sarah Memorial
103 CARTER Sarah Memorial
D113 CARTER William Memorial
104 CARTER William Memorial
105 CARTER William Memorial
Text CARTER William Vicars List
114 CARTER William Will Bequest
106 CARTER William Memorial
224 CARTER William Vicars List
215 CHADERTON Edmund Text in Book
096 CHANDLER Cornelius Memorial
096 CHANDLER Elizabeth Ruddle (nee Brown) Memorial
090 CHANDLER Elizabeth Ruddle (nee Browne) Memorial
087 CHANDLER Thomas Memorial
096 CHANDLER Thomas Memorial
090 CHANDLER Thomas Memorial
087 CHANDLER William Memorial
Text CHAPPELL William Transcription of War Memorial
069 CHAPPELL William Photograph of War Memorial
215 CHATTERTON George Text in Book
214 CHATTERTON Text in Book
Text CLANFORD Stephanus Vicars List
224 CLANFORD Stephanus Vicars List
224 CLAREL Michael Vicars List
Text CLARKE Wmus: Vicars List
224 CLARKE Wmus: Vicars List
214 CLINTON Text in Book
217 CLINTON Text in Book
215 COLE Ann Text in Book
119 COLE William Memorial
215 COLE William Text in Book
215 COLLINGBOURNE William Text in Book
214 COLLINGBOURNE Text in Book
Text COLLIS Heber Transcription of War Memorial
069 COLLIS Heber Photograph of War Memorial
Text COMBE Wmus. de Vicars List
224 COMBE Wmus. de Vicars List
Text COOKE Johannes Vicars List
224 COOKE Johannes Vicars List
Text COWLEY Christopher Transcription of War Memorial
069 COWLEY Christopher Photograph of War Memorial
224 CRADOCK Zacharias Vicars List
Text CREWE Percy Transcription of War Memorial
069 CREWE Percy Photograph of War Memorial
Text CREWE Sidney William Transcription of War Memorial
Text CREWE Sydney Transcription of War Memorial
069 CREWE Sydney Photograph of War Memorial
Text CREWE Sydney William Transcription of War Memorial
218 CREWE Sydney William Photograph of War Memorial
223 CREWE Sydney William Photograph of War Memorial
Text CROTTY Ricardus Vicars List
224 CROTTY Ricardus Vicars List
010 CURTIS Benjamin Gravestone
008 CURTIS Susan (Mrs Fry) Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
089 DAW Sarah Memorial
Text DAY James Transcription of War Memorial
069 DAY James Photograph of War Memorial
117 DISTON John Memorial
214 DIXTON Text in Book
217 DIXTON Text in Book
Text DURYVALL Ricardus Vicars List
224 DURYVALL Ricardus Vicars List

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text ERNES William Herberd de Vicars List
224 ERNES William Herberd de Vicars List
Text ERNLY Giles Vicars List
224 ERNLY Giles Vicars List

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
214 FINETT Anne (Mrs Ivye) Text in Book
215 FINETT Jane (nee Wentworth) Text in Book
214 FINETT John Text in Book
215 FINETT John Text in Book
216 FINETT Text in Book
215 FINNETT Ann Text in Book
207 FINNETT Anne (Mrs Ivye) Memorial
207 FINNETT John Memorial
214 FORTE Text in Book
Text FRY Albert Transcription of War Memorial
Text FRY Albert Transcription of War Memorial
Text FRY Albert Transcription of War Memorial
069 FRY Albert Photograph of War Memorial
218 FRY Albert Photograph of War Memorial
223 FRY Albert Photograph of War Memorial
Text FRY Alec Transcription of War Memorial
069 FRY Alec Photograph of War Memorial
Text FRY Arthur Transcription of War Memorial
069 FRY Arthur Photograph of War Memorial
Text FRY Fred Transcription of War Memorial
069 FRY Fred Photograph of War Memorial
Text FRY Jack Transcription of War Memorial
069 FRY Jack Photograph of War Memorial
008 FRY Susan (Mrs Curtis) Gravestone
Text FRY Walter Transcription of War Memorial
069 FRY Walter Photograph of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text GELLIBRAND Andreas Vicars List
224 GELLIBRAND Andreas Vicars List
Text GILES Johannes Vicars List
224 GILES Johannes Vicars List
224 GODOLPHIN Henricus Vicars List
Text GOUGH Charles R. Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH Charles R. Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH Ernest Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH Ernest Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH Harold Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH Harold Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH Ino. T. Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH Ino. T. Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH James H. Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH James H. Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH John Thomas Transcription of War Memorial
Text GOUGH John Thomas Transcription of War Memorial
218 GOUGH John Thomas Photograph of War Memorial
223 GOUGH John Thomas Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH Reginald Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH Reginald Photograph of War Memorial
Text GOUGH Richard Transcription of War Memorial
069 GOUGH Richard Photograph of War Memorial
114 GREEN Ayliffe Will Bequest
Text GREENMAN Albert Transcription of War Memorial
069 GREENMAN Albert Photograph of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Albert Henry Wellington Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Albert Henry Wellington Transcription of War Memorial
218 GREENMAN Albert Henry Wellington Photograph of War Memorial
223 GREENMAN Albert Henry Wellington Photograph of War Memorial
016 GREENMAN Ann Gravestone
D204 GREENMAN Benjamin Gravestone
Text GREENMAN Charlie Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN E. W. Transcription of War Memorial
D204 GREENMAN Eliza Gravestone
Text GREENMAN F. A. Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Frederick Angell Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Frederick Angell Transcription of War Memorial
218 GREENMAN Frederick Angell Photograph of War Memorial
223 GREENMAN Frederick Angell Photograph of War Memorial
114 GREENMAN Gabriel Will Bequest
Text GREENMAN H. W. Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Harold Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Hubert J. Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Jack Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN James Transcription of War Memorial
016 GREENMAN Jemima Gravestone
016 GREENMAN Robert Gravestone
070 GREENMAN Stanley Tom Photograph of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Stanley Tom Transcription of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Stanley Tom Transcription of War Memorial
223 GREENMAN Stanley Tom Photograph of War Memorial
Text GREENMAN Walter Transcription of War Memorial
Text GUM Harry Transcription of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
021 HARRY Sylvia Gravestone
072 HARRY Sylvia Window (with dedication)
021 HARRY William Henry Gravestone
072 HARRY William Henry Window (with dedication)
Text HARWEWELL Johannes Vicars List
224 HARWEWELL Johannes Vicars List
Text HAZELL James Transcription of War Memorial
Text HERYNG William Vicars List
224 HERYNG William Vicars List
Text HEYNES Adamus Vicars List
224 HEYNES Adamus Vicars List
Text HILLE Adamus de Vicars List
224 HILLE Adamus de Vicars List
215 HOOPER Text in Book
Text HORE Johannes Vicars List
224 HORE Johannes Vicars List
215 HOWELL James Text in Book
Text HULANCE Arthur Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULANCE Fred Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULANCE Joseph Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULANCE Joseph Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULANCE Joseph Transcription of War Memorial
218 HULANCE Joseph Photograph of War Memorial
223 HULANCE Joseph Photograph of War Memorial
Text HULANCE Trimmer Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULANCE Victor Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULBERT Jim Transcription of War Memorial
Text HULBERT William J. Transcription of War Memorial
215 HYDE Text in Book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text IBOS Wmus: Vicars List
224 IBOS Wmus: Vicars List
013 IDLE J. Gravestone
214 IVIE Anne Text in Book
214 IVIE Jane Text in Book
118 IVIE Margaret (nee Whittington) Memorial
216 IVIE Text in Book
215 IVY Eliza Mallett Text in Book
215 IVY George Text in Book
215 IVY John Text in Book
215 IVY Thomas Text in Book
214 IVYE Anne (nee Finett) Text in Book
207 IVYE Anne (nee Finnett) Memorial
118 IVYE George Memorial
207 IVYE George Memorial
214 IVYE George Text in Book
207 IVYE Jane Memorial
214 IVYE Oliver Text in Book
118 IVYE Thomas Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text JACKSON Johannes Vicars List
224 JACKSON Johannes Vicars List
027 JACKSON John Memorial
027 JACKSON Margaret Memorial
091 JACOB Anne (nee Stephens) Memorial
091 JACOB John Memorial
091 JACOB Thomas Memorial
215 JACOB Text in Book
215 JAMES Edmund Text in Book
214 JAMES Ned Text in Book
107 JAMES Simon Memorial
214 JAMES Simon Text in Book
215 JAMES Simon Text in Book
214 JAMES Symon Text in Book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text KANE Albert Transcription of War Memorial
Text KANE Tom Transcription of War Memorial
Text KNAPP George Transcription of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
214 LANDETH Text in Book
014 LANE Albert Edward Gravestone
014 LANE Albert Edwin Gravestone
014 LANE John Gravestone
D205 LANE Joseph Gravestone
D205 LANE Sarah Gravestone
014 LANE Sarah Ann Gravestone
D182 LILLYWHITE Laura Memorial
214 LONDETH Text in Book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
003+ MALPASS Anne Gravestone
Text MANGWYLE Johannes Vicars List
224 MANGWYLE Johannes Vicars List
Text MANN Albert E. Transcription of War Memorial
Text MANN Douglas Transcription of War Memorial
097 MANN George Notice
025 MANN Hannah Rebecca (Mrs Smith) Gravestone
025 MANN Lottie Kate (nee Smith) Gravestone
025 MANN Silas Fred Gravestone
025 MANN Simeon Gravestone
Text MANN W. G. Transcription of War Memorial
Text MANN Walter George Transcription of War Memorial
Text MANN Walter George Transcription of War Memorial
218 MANN Walter George Photograph of War Memorial
223 MANN Walter George Photograph of War Memorial
Text MANN William H. Transcription of War Memorial
026 MEREDITH-BROWN Maria Gravestone
094 MEREDITH-BROWN Maria Memorial
067 MEREDITH-BROWN Maria Memorial
001 MEREDITH-BROWN Meredith Gravestone
093 MEREDITH-BROWN Meredith Memorial
Text MILE Wmus: Vicars List
224 MILE Wmus: Vicars List
Text MILES Arthur Transcription of War Memorial
Text MILES Ben Transcription of War Memorial
Text MILES Benjamin John Transcription of War Memorial
Text MILES Benjamin John Transcription of War Memorial
218 MILES Benjamin John Photograph of War Memorial
223 MILES Benjamin John Photograph of War Memorial
Text MILES Fred Transcription of War Memorial
Text MILES Harold Transcription of War Memorial
Text MOORE Johannes Vicars List
224 MOORE Johannes Vicars List
Text MORTIMER Edward Glanville Vicars List
224 MORTIMER Edward Glanville Vicars List
215 MORTIMER Ralph Text in Book
215 MORTIMER Roger de Text in Book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text NEALE Walter Transcription of War Memorial
Text NEALE William John Transcription of War Memorial
069 NEALE William John Photograph of War Memorial
Text NEATE Stephen E. Transcription of War Memorial
069 NEATE Stephen E. Photograph of War Memorial
215 NEELD John Text in Book
Text NEWMAN F. E. Transcription of War Memorial
069 NEWMAN F. E. Photograph of War Memorial
214 NICHOLAS Text in Book
217 NICHOLAS Text in Book
Text NORTON Thomas de Vicars List
224 NORTON Thomas de Vicars List

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text PARSONS William Francis Transcription of War Memorial
Text PARSONS William Francis Transcription of War Memorial
223 PARSONS William Francis Photograph of War Memorial
Text PAYNE Arthur Transcription of War Memorial
069 PAYNE Arthur Photograph of War Memorial
022 PAYNE John Gravestone
022 PAYNE Mary Anna Gravestone
Text PETTY Thomas Vicars List
224 PETTY Thomas Vicars List
Text PORTER W. D. Transcription of War Memorial
069 PORTER W. D. Photograph of War Memorial
006 POTTER Ann Gravestone
006 POTTER Simon Gravestone
095 POWYS Richard Thomas Memorial
Text POWYS Richard Thomas Vicars List
224 POWYS Richard Thomas Vicars List

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text RADEFORD Robertus de Vicars List
224 RADEFORD Robertus de Vicars List
Text RADELER Robertus Vicars List
224 RADELER Robertus Vicars List
D201 RAMSAY J. Charles Presentation
Text RAMSAY John Charles Vicars List
224 RAMSAY John Charles Vicars List
102 RAMSEY John Charles Memorial
Text RATCLIFFE Alexander Vicars List
224 RATCLIFFE Alexander Vicars List
Text RAUF Wmus: Fitz Vicars List
224 RAUF Wmus: Fitz Vicars List
Text REEVES W. F. Transcription of War Memorial
069 REEVES W. F. Photograph of War Memorial
Text REEVES William Joseph Transcription of War Memorial
Text REEVES William Joseph Transcription of War Memorial
218 REEVES William Joseph Photograph of War Memorial
223 REEVES William Joseph Photograph of War Memorial
214 RUSSELL Text in Book
215 RUSSELL Text in Book
217 RUSSELL Text in Book

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text SALESBURY Johannes Vicars List
224 SALESBURY Johannes Vicars List
Text SALESBURY Walterus Vicars List
224 SALESBURY Walterus Vicars List
Text SAUNDERS Walter Transcription of War Memorial
069 SAUNDERS Walter Photograph of War Memorial
224 SAVILL Henricus Vicars List
Text SCRIVEN A. B. Transcription of War Memorial
069 SCRIVEN A. B. Photograph of War Memorial
Text SCRIVEN Charles W. Transcription of War Memorial
069 SCRIVEN Charles W. Photograph of War Memorial
Text SCRIVEN Charles William Transcription of War Memorial
Text SCRIVEN Charles William Transcription of War Memorial
218 SCRIVEN Charles William Photograph of War Memorial
223 SCRIVEN Charles William Photograph of War Memorial
Text SCRIVEN William A. Transcription of War Memorial
069 SCRIVEN William A. Photograph of War Memorial
020 SHIPP Emily Gravestone
Text SMITH Ernest William Vicars List
224 SMITH Ernest William Vicars List
025 SMITH Hannah Rebecca (Mrs Mann) Gravestone
025 SMITH Lottie Kate (Mrs Mann) Gravestone
224 SMITH Thomas Vicars List
025 SMITH William Gravestone
215 ST. JOHN Oliver Text in Book
Text STANLEY Johannes Vicars List
224 STANLEY Johannes Vicars List
091 STEPHENS Anne (Mrs Jacob) Memorial
114 STEPHENS John Will Bequest
091 STEPHENS Nathaniel Memorial
215 STEPKIN Theodosia Text in Book
018 STILES Benjamin Gravestone
018 STILES Elizabeth Collett Gravestone
Text STONEHAM Harry Transcription of War Memorial
Text STONEHAM Harry Transcription of War Memorial
Text STONEHAM Harry Transcription of War Memorial
069 STONEHAM Harry Photograph of War Memorial
218 STONEHAM Harry Photograph of War Memorial
223 STONEHAM Harry Photograph of War Memorial
Text STRETCH Joseph Transcription of War Memorial
069 STRETCH Joseph Photograph of War Memorial
Text STRETCH William R. Transcription of War Memorial
069 STRETCH William R. Photograph of War Memorial
215 STUMPE Text in Book
Text SWEET Laxon Edward Vicars List
224 SWEET Laxon Edward Vicars List
Text SYDENHAM F. J. Transcription of War Memorial
069 SYDENHAM F. J. Photograph of War Memorial

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text TANNER Charlie Transcription of War Memorial
069 TANNER Charlie Photograph of War Memorial
002 TANNER Ethel Kate Gravestone
002 TANNER Gabriel Robert Gravestone
Text TAYLLOR Johannes Vicars List
224 TAYLLOR Johannes Vicars List
Text TAYLOR Ernest Transcription of War Memorial
069 TAYLOR Ernest Photograph of War Memorial
Text TAYLOR Worthy Transcription of War Memorial
069 TAYLOR Worthy Photograph of War Memorial
Text THOMAS Johannes Vicars List
224 THOMAS Johannes Vicars List
005 TRIMMER Lewin Gravestone
005 TRIMMER Martha Hulance Gravestone

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text WANSFORDE Johannes Vicars List
224 WANSFORDE Johannes Vicars List
Text WARREN Albert W. Transcription of War Memorial
069 WARREN Albert W. Photograph of War Memorial
215 WENTWORTH Jane (Mrs Finett) Text in Book
215 WENTWORTH Thomas Text in Book
118 WHITTINGTON John Memorial
118 WHITTINGTON Margaret (Mrs Ivye) Memorial
Text WICKS A. R. Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS A. R. Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Aaron Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS Aaron Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Albert James Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS Albert James Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Allen Richard Transcription of War Memorial
218 WICKS Allen Richard Photograph of War Memorial
223 WICKS Allen Richard Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Edw. A. Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS Edw. A. Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Edward Aaron Transcription of War Memorial
Text WICKS Edward Aaron Transcription of War Memorial
218 WICKS Edward Aaron Photograph of War Memorial
223 WICKS Edward Aaron Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS G. G. Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS G. G. Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Gabriel Transcription of War Memorial
Text WICKS Gabriel Transcription of War Memorial
Text WICKS Gabriel Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS Gabriel Photograph of War Memorial
218 WICKS Gabriel Photograph of War Memorial
223 WICKS Gabriel Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS James Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS James Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS James Leonard Transcription of War Memorial
Text WICKS James Leonard Transcription of War Memorial
070 WICKS James Leonard Photograph of War Memorial
223 WICKS James Leonard Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS Jim Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS Jim Photograph of War Memorial
Text WICKS John Transcription of War Memorial
069 WICKS John Photograph of War Memorial
Text WITTS L. C. Transcription of War Memorial
069 WITTS L. C. Photograph of War Memorial
Text WITTS Lancelot Coulter Transcription of War Memorial
Text WITTS Lancelot Coulter Transcription of War Memorial
218 WITTS Lancelot Coulter Photograph of War Memorial
223 WITTS Lancelot Coulter Photograph of War Memorial
Text WORSLEY C. P. Vicars List
224 WORSLEY C. P. Vicars List
224 WOTTON Henricus Vicars List

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Photo No. Surname Other names Type
Text YONGE George Vicars List
224 YONGE George Vicars List

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This page was last updated on 24th July 2020
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