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The Church of St. Andrew, Shrivenham, Oxfordshire

Vicars of St. Andrew's, Shrivenham, Oxfordshire

1325 Richard de Eytoune
1329 John Swayne
1329 Nicholas Akard
1350 John Hauteryne
1361 Walter Bernfield
1362 John May
1389 David Candeler
1392 William Malle
1394 William Sollite
1418 William Hubert
1419 John Bury
1420 John Outred
1425 John Wakefield
1425 John Corbyn
1434 John Fitz
1439 William Wardeyn
1454 John Malle
1454 Thomas Maudesley
1481 Thomas Stere
1481 John Fawle
1522 John Corbet
1564 John Webbe
1564 John Lowe
1566 George Ellys
1586 William Hilton
1589 William Yate
1597 William Pounde
1648 Hugh Pugh
1660 Thomas Bunce
1675 Benjamin Woodroffe
1676 Thomas Kingston
1683 Richard Vaughan
1694 George Marten
1697 George Stephens
1733 Caleb Colton
1804 Edward Berens
1859 George Murray
1890 Edward Hill
1932 Cuthbert George Seymour Metford
1959 Reginald Francis Warburton Durrant
1968 Julian James Andrew Newman
1974 John Martin Wade
1988 Timothy David Rawdon-Mogg

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