Our photographs are a snapshot in time to show a building's history.
Businesses shown may no longer be trading here.
This fine old building in Devizes Road is in the Old Town area of Swindon - number 4 is approximately the right half of the building. Our ealiest photograph was taken in 2008 and our latest in 2019 and we have managed to photograph a few of the businesses that have traded here over that time. But far earlier than our photographs is one in a Swindon Society book (the fourth in the series) showing it as the New Swindon Industrial Co-operative Society - it was No. 8 branch, and opened on 21st March 1925.
We have some lovely old red-brick buildings in Swindon and this is one of them that has fortunately avoided the painting over that has become popular in more recent years. So we can still see most of this building how it was design to be seen, with stone carvings intact even if some are a little worn. Of course the shop front on the ground floor changes with each business and show more modern tastes, but this building is a classic case of 'always look up' and you will notice so many features you might otherwise miss if you only look at the shop windows.
There are a few more photographs of the whole building to be seen at
1-3 Devizes Road and
1-4 Devizes Road - this page is mostly concerned with number 4.