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Surnames starting with L

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Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly


All Surnames: Top     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z     Foot

Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

La Pointe Lambart Lanfear Lapham Lavenay
La Warre Lambdin Lang Lapish Laver
Labalmondiere Lambe Langden Lapworth Laverick
Labat Lambele Langdon Laracy Lavington
Lacey Lambert Langecock Larcombe Lavyngton
Laci Lambourne Langele Larder Law
Lacock Lambton Langelee Lardner Lawer
Lacy Laming Langford Larg Lawes
Ladd Lamont Langham Large Laweton
Ladyman Lampard Langlee Larkin Lawn
Lafberry Lamplugh Langley Lascelles Lawrance
Laflin Lamprey Langleye Last Lawrence
Laford Lancaster Langmaid Laten Lawrie
Laidlaw Lancley Langridge Latham Lawson
Laidlay Lander Langstone Lathbury Lawton
Lailey Landeth Langton Latimer Laxon
Lain Landfear Lanham Latton Lay
Lake Landon Lanney Latymer Layard
Lakey Landor Lano Launchbury Layton
Lamb Landsdowne Lansdown Laurence Layzell
Lambard Lane Lansley Lavalle

All Surnames: Top     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z     Foot

Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

Le Bas Leathart Legh Leslie Lewington
Le Bret Leaver Lego Lesser Lewinton
Le Cappelain Leavitt Lehr Lessiter Lewis
Le Cappelaine Lebeyate Leigh Lester Lewknor
Le Coyte Lecey Leigh-Delamere Lestor Leworthy
Le Mesurier Lechmere Leighfield Letall Lewsey
Le Mottee Lecke Leigh-Hunt Lethbridge-Galton Lexington
Le Neve-Foster Leckey Leighton Letts Ley
Le Patourle Leckie Leiper Leut Leyborne
Le Sore Lecky Leland Levandoski Leyborne Popham
Le Suer Ledbury Lem Levell Leyborne-Popham
Le Warr Ledecombe Lemoine Levens Leybourne
Le Wayte Ledrede Lemon Lever Leycester
Le Zouche Lee Lenehan Leversage Leyden
Lea Leech Lennarde Leversiege Leye
Leach Leedham Lennox Leverton Leyfield
Leacock Leeper Lenthal Leveson Gower Leyghton
Leader Lees Lentwardine Levet Leyne
Leak Left Leo Levett Leyntwardeyn
Leakey Legat Leobury Levinge Leyson
Leaman Legate Leofsi Levington
Lear Legg Leonard Levy
Leary Legge Leppard Lewin
Leat Leggett Lertora-Walker Lewingdon

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Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly


All Surnames: Top     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z     Foot

Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

Lidbury Lilley Lindon Lintern Little
Liddell Lilly Lindsay Linton Littlecote
Lidderdale Lillycrap Lindsell Linzey Littlefair
Liddiard Lillywhite Lindsey Lion Littler
Liddington Limbrick Lindsley Lipp Littleton
Liddon Limesi Line Lipyeatt Littlewood
Liebow Limm Lines Lisle Litvaitis
Liepack Limmage Ling Litchfield Livall
Light Limmex Linge Litherland Livesey
Lightfoote Lincoln Linkiewicz Litlington Livingstone
Liley Linden Linquist Litten

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Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

Llewellen Palmer

All Surnames: Top     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z     Foot

Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

Loader Lomas Lopes Lova Loving
Lobb Lomene Lord Love Lovsey
Lochrane Londeth Lorde Loveband Low
Lock London Lorimer Lovecock Lowcock
Locke Long Lory Loveday Lowder
Lockey Longden Loss Lovegrove Lowe
Lockstone Longe Lott Lovekyn Lowers
Lockwood Longespee Loud Lovel Lowings
Lockyer Longhurst Louden Loveless Lowis
Loder Longland Louedere Lovell Lowman
Lodge Longman Louis Lovelock Lowry
Logan Longmead Loundres Lovenhull Lowther
Logardyn Longstaff Louth Loveridge Loxele
Logon Longvilliers Louthorp Loveringe Loxley
Lokenham Looker Louthorpe Lovesey Loxton
Lokkesley Looms Louthrop Lovett Loy

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Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

Lubbock Lucoque Lugg Lunt Lutas
Lucas Lucy Luick Lupus Lutley
Luce Ludford Luke Luscombe Luton
Luck Ludington Luker Lush Luttleton
Luckett Ludkin Lukis Lushill Luxmoore
Lucking Ludlow Lummis Lushington
Luckman Luffman Lunn Lustehulle

All Surnames: Top     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z     Foot

Surnames starting:   L'   La   Le   Lh   Li   Ll   Lo   Lu   Ly

Lyall Lygon Lyneham Lynwood Lysley
Lychefield Lynas Lynes Lyon Lytcott
Lydall Lynch Lynet Lyon-Bowes Lyte
Lydon Lynche Lynn Lyons Lytil
Lye Lynden Lynne Lypeat Lywdestede
Lyford Lyne Lynryk Lyseway

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This page was last updated on 15th October 2023
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