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Surnames starting with V

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Surnames starting:   Va   Ve   Vi   Vo   Vy

Vaisey Vallard Vance Vann Vaughan
Valencen Vallis Vanden-Heede Vanson Vaughn
Valentine Van Acker Vanderplank Vardy Vaux
Vallabha-Joshi Van Kleef Vandervelde Varney Vavasour
Vallace Van Linge Vanderwolf Varvey
Vallance Van Stolk Vanhoeck Vassie

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Surnames starting:   Va   Ve   Vi   Vo   Vy

Veale Venning Vere Vertue
Veitch Venoir Veret Veysey
Vella Venuz Verney Veysy
Venn Verdon Verschoyles

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Surnames starting:   Va   Ve   Vi   Vo   Vy

Vicary Vilet Vince Vingrave Vivash
Vicat Vilett Vincent Vining Viveash
Vicker Villar Vincer Vinining Vivian
Vickers Villers Vine Vinogradoff Vizard
Vickery Villet Viner Vinson Vizor
Vidall Villett Vines Vint
Vigge Villetta Vines-Morgan Virgo
Vigor Villiers Viney Vitalie

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Surnames starting:   Va   Ve   Vi   Vo   Vy

Vockings Voss
Voelcker Vousden
Vokins Vowles
Von Bandel

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Surnames starting:   Va   Ve   Vi   Vo   Vy


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This page was last updated on 15th October 2023
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