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Surname Search for NORRIS

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NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
Text A. NORRIS Imber ~ Transcription of War Memorial
Text A. NORRIS Imber ~ Transcription of War Memorial
0007 A. NORRIS Imber ~ Photograph of War Memorial
0022 A. NORRIS Imber ~ Photograph of War Memorial
00599 Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
Text Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
0132 Ann NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
0134 Ann NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
00293 Anne NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone
D0008 Annie Maria NORRIS Hilmarton ~ Gravestone

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
0088 Chris NORRIS Froxfield ~ Gravestone
1071 Clara May NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
0186 Daniel NORRIS Tetbury ~ Vicars & Rectors List

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
Text E. NORRIS Savernake ~ Text on page
0122 Edmund NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
0130 Edmund NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
Text Edward James NORRIS Savernake ~ Transcription of Roll of Honour
01133 Edward James NORRIS Savernake ~ Photograph of Roll of Honour
00129 Elizabeth NORRIS Stratton St. Margaret ~ Gravestone
00099 Elizabeth NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 Elizabeth NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 Elizabeth NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Elizabeth NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
00106 Elizabeth Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00005 Elizabeth Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00031 Elizabeth Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Elizabeth Ann NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
0209 Elizabeth Jane NORRIS Royal Wootton Bassett ~ Gravestone
0027 Ernest NORRIS Odstock ~ Transcription of War Memorial
0027 Ernest NORRIS Odstock ~ Photograph of War Memorial

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
00049 Florence May NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone
Text Frederick NORRIS Savernake ~ Transcription of Roll of Honour
01133 Frederick NORRIS Savernake ~ Photograph of Roll of Honour
0160 Frederick C. NORRIS Froxfield ~ Gravestone
063 Frederick James NORRIS Orcheston St. Mary ~ Gravestone

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
0108 George NORRIS Froxfield ~ Gravestone
00692 Gulielmus NORRIS Bromham ~ Memorial
00339 Gwendoline NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00045 Gwendoline Gertrude NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Gwendoline Gertrude NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
Text J NORRIS Stanton St. Bernard ~ Transcription of War Memorial
D00034 J. NORRIS Stanton St. Bernard ~ Photograph of War Memorial
Text J. NORRIS Swindon ~ Transcription of War Memorial
Text J. NORRIS Swindon ~ War Memorial
00101 James NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 James NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 James NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text James NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
00101 James Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 James Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 James Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text James Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
00099 Jane NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 Jane NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 Jane NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Jane NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
00097 Johannes NORRIS Aldbourne ~ Memorial
00692 Johannes NORRIS Bromham ~ Memorial
Text John NORRIS Aldbourne ~ Transcription of Vicars List
00061 John NORRIS Aldbourne ~ Photograph of Vicars List
00099 John NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 John NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 John NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text John NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
Text Louis George NORRIS Savernake ~ Transcription of Roll of Honour
01133 Louis George NORRIS Savernake ~ Photograph of Roll of Honour

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
063 Mabel Helen NORRIS Orcheston St. Mary ~ Gravestone
0122 Margaret NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
0160 Margaret E. NORRIS Froxfield ~ Gravestone
0238 Mary NORRIS Latton ~ Gravestone
0081 Mary NORRIS Latton ~ Gravestone
0130 Mary NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
00101 Miriam NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 Miriam NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00030 Miriam NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Miriam NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
Text R. W. NORRIS Weymouth ~ Transcription of War Memorial
Text R. W. NORRIS Weymouth ~ Transcription of War Memorial
0015 R. W. NORRIS Weymouth ~ Photograph of War Memorial
Text Richard NORRIS Stanton St. Bernard ~ Transcription of War Memorial
Text Richard NORRIS Stanton St. Bernard ~ Transcription of War Memorial
D00031 Richard NORRIS Stanton St. Bernard ~ Photograph of War Memorial
D00035 Richard NORRIS Stanton St. Bernard ~ Photograph of War Memorial
0493 Roma Daphne NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
0081 Sarah (Mrs Habgood) NORRIS Latton ~ Gravestone
0993 Sarah Elizabeth NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
00129 Thomas NORRIS Stratton St. Margaret ~ Gravestone
00099 Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00004 Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text Thomas NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
0132 Thomas NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
0133 Thomas NORRIS Marlborough ~ Gravestone
D0008 Thomas William NORRIS Hilmarton ~ Gravestone

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

Photo No. Name Location and Type
0993 W. H. NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone
00293 William NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone
0238 William NORRIS Latton ~ Gravestone
0081 William NORRIS Latton ~ Gravestone
00106 William NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00005 William NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00031 William NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text William NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List
1071 William Arthur NORRIS Swindon ~ Gravestone
00339 William John Victor NORRIS East Grafton ~ Gravestone
00020 William John Victor NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
00045 William John Victor NORRIS East Grafton ~ Burials List
Text William John Victor NORRIS East Grafton ~ Transcription of Burials List

NORRIS Forenames:     A   C   D   E   F   G   J   L   M   R   S   T   W   Top

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This page was last updated on 16th July 2023
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